Delicious Cekodok aka Jemput Pisang for Breakfast

 Before starting today's notes, I want to record my endless gratitude to my faithful blog readers who are also loyal in supporting me by clicking the ads that appear on the blog. May Allah alone reward your kindness and good intentions. Aamiin.

God willing, I'm fasting today. So when Bibik wanted to learn how to make banana fritters, I immediately went to the kitchen and showed her how to prepare it. Since I already made it and took the opportunity to teach Bibik, I immediately recorded a video.

Before, when I was working, I had a colleague who had been working in our department for a long time. I was very impressed with him because every Monday and Thursday, he would fast sunnah consistently. Not just once in a while, unlike chipsmore advertisements.

As for me, although I rarely eat out for lunch, I don't have the strength to fast like him. However, I resolve to practice sunnah fasting one day. Alhamdulillah, I now make sunnah fasting on Monday and Thursday a practice. Pray that I will be steadfast.

Today I use Cavendish bananas because that's the only type of banana that Juita bought. Since Aween left for the UK, this house hasn't had a stock of bananas. If it was before, Aween would buy whenever the stock ran out.

Making banana fritters or cekodok, there's nothing fixed, everything depends on your taste. If you like big ones, make them big. If you're diligent, make small sizes for once in your mouth.

It's called banana fritters, so the method is to pick them up using your fingers that are dampened. But if you want to use a spoon, you can too. Today I used a little baking powder. Usually I don't put any. That's cooking, just follow your heart.

Banana Fritters aka Jemput Pisang


3 ripe banana - 150 grams

¼ cup wheat flour

A pinch of salt

½ - 1 tablespoon sugar

A little baking powder


Mash the bananas until it's smooth and without chunks. Add sugar and salt to taste. You can taste first because some bananas are less sweet, need more sugar.

Add baking powder. Gradually add the wheat flour. If the dough is still soft, add a little more flour until you get the desired consistency.

Form the dough into bite-sized pieces using your fingers and drop them into hot oil.

Fry and stir with a slotted spoon by flipping the cekodok to make it round. Fry until the outside is golden and crispy.

Lift and place on kitchen towels or let it drain on a strainer for a while. Ready to serve.


I like using golden bananas but because there's no stock, ripe bananas can also be used.

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